Since 2019 I am a PhD student in project: "The limits of unconscious processing. Is unconscious perceptual integration possible?"
Supervisors: Michał Bola, PhD, prof. Anna Nowicka

Previously I worked as an intern in project titled "Is the neural correlates of consciousness are independent of the modality? Study of activation and interaction in the "global workspace" of the brain using EEGand fMRI" (supervisor: Michał Bola, PhD)

I earned my masters degree in Psychology at University of Warsaw, Inter-faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences.


Psychophysiological research, experimental neuropsychology, unconscious processes, attention, information integration.


Doradzińska, Ł., & Bola, M. (2023). Early electrophysiological correlates of perceptual consciousness are affected by both exogenous and endogenous attention. PsyArxiv, preprint

Doradzińska, Ł., & Bola, M. (2023). I focus only when I see your fear—fearful faces are not prioritized by attention when processed outside of awareness. Cerebral Cortex, bhad194.

Rutkowska, N., Doradzińska, Ł., & Bola, M. (2022). Attentional Prioritization of Complex, Naturalistic Stimuli Maintained in Working-Memory–A Dot-Probe Event-Related Potentials Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, 838338

Doradzińska, Ł., Furtak, M., & Bola, M. (2022). Perception of semantic relations in scenes: A registered report study of attention hold. Consciousness and Cognition, 100, 103315.

Bola, M., & Doradzińska, Ł. (2021). Perceptual Awareness Negativity—Does It Reflect Awareness or Attention? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, 742513.

Bola, M., Paź, M., Doradzińska, Ł., & Nowicka, A. (2020). The self‐face captures attention without consciousness: Evidence from the N2pc ERP component analysis Psychophysiology, 58(4), e13759.

Doradzińska, Ł., Wójcik, M. J., Paź, M., Nowicka, M. M., Nowicka, A., & Bola, M. (2020). Unconscious perception of one's own name modulates amplitude of the P3B ERP component. Neuropsychologia, 147, 107564.

Furtak, M., Doradzińska, Ł., Ptashynska, A., Mudrik, L., Nowicka, A., & Bola, M. (2020). Automatic Attention Capture by Threatening, But Not by Semantically Incongruent Natural Scene Images Cerebral Cortex, 30(7), 4158-4168.


PhD Student in National Science Centre (OPUS grant, No. 2019/34/H/HS6/0067)

Investigator in National Science Centre (SONATA grant, No. 2015/17/D/HS6/00269)